WILD Swimrun Community & The WILD Team
We are a Swimrun Community open for all women, children and families regardless of age, experience or nationality. Both men and women are welcome in the community, but we work especially towards encouraging more women to try the sport and do many events women-only for this reason. It is all about finding friends to share your weekly training and weekend excursions with. If not in person, at least online. In our Community you can find new friends around the globe. We want to show that you can be part of this wonderful nature driven sport regardless of your ambition, fitness level or experience. To be able to achieve this we organise WILD Camps, smaller events, exchange knowledge and inspiration via our social media channels and articles we either write ourselves or find interesting by others.
If you compete as part of the WILD Community, you do so as Team WILD Swimrun. We support our teams at competitions and promote you all to join even if injured or maybe not competing. Team members are also great cheerleaders! Contact us if you are interested in competing for WILD Swimrun (we have some great discounts and collars with race organizations to offer).
We love how sports unite, break down barriers and basically make us all happy!
To get in touch with us, email us at: hello@wildswimrun.com. Can’t wait to hear from you and go on some Swimrun adventures together!
The WILD Team:
Fanny Kuhn
International content marketing specialist within e-commerce and Sports & Entertainment. Former elite Swimmer in Sweden and at University of Louisville. Married, mother of one, from Sweden, living in Miami USA.
Since 2015 Fanny has mainly focused on Swimrun and Open Water swimming and her list of merits is impressive with several podiums including World Champion at the ÖTILLÖ Swimrun World Championship 2019. Fanny has years of coaching experience in competetive swimming and Swimrun. It is incredible to watch her move in the water and hang on if you get a chance to be attached to a tow-rope to this woman.
Connect with Fanny on instagram: @fannyfromswe
Read more about fanny on her website.
Maria Rohman
International business, sales and marketing manager with event and project management experience. Educated ski-instructor, running coach and did competitive showjumping and eventing as a teen. Mother of two, from Sweden living in Stockholm, Sweden.
Maria became a runner for more than 15 years ago and since early 2017 Swimrun has been a huge passion. Maria started off her Swimrun career with several podiums and wins including ÖTILLÖ races. Currently recovering from severe knee injuries. Holds an extra passion for introducing the sport to complete beginners.
Connect with Maria: @mariarohman
Helene Öhrstedt
Internal control and risk manager at group level in an international billion-dollar revenue company. Versatile background from chief executive within internal auditing to building wooden boats. Married, from Stockholm and spends as much time as possible in the Stockholm archipelago.
Helene is passionate about everything swimrun! From racing to training and especially volonteering at races. And of course, the WILD Community. Helene has nicknamed herself “the swimrun geek” and there isn’t much she doesn’t know about this sport, its people and the equipment to use (or not to use). If you see her along a race course you know you are in for a treat, her friendly smiley face will make you run and swim faster and afterwards you will always get pictures of yourself doing what you love. Which we all are incredibly pleased about!
Connect with Helene: @heleneostet